We can experience a smoother road toward parenthood when we ask questions, gather information, connect with others who have done it, and discuss our decisions and our obstacles.
LGBTQ intended Parenthood
For individuals and couples, there are so many questions to ask and decisions to make. We'll focus on the ones that you're faced with:
- Work through the emotional aspects of building a family and your vision of being an LGBTQ parent
- Become familiar with adoption and biological paths in order to make a choice for your family
- Learn about many aspects of family building, including choosing providers, financial implications, and legal areas
- For single people, look closely at your concerns about raising a child without a partner
- For couples, explore your relationship concerns, disagreements, and the issues that planning parenthood bring up for each of you
- For co-parents, ensure that your arrangement meets the needs of all involved, and that important relationship areas are discussed
- Talk through the relationships that may ensue with birth families/donors
- Look ahead at parenthood and consider some of the lifestyle changes you'll need to make
- Decide when to come out as intended parents to those around you
- Identify the people in your life that will be supportive
Choosing providers will be one of the most critical steps you take. Whether you're looking for doctors, lawyers, agencies, or clinicians, referrals to LGBTQ competent providers are available for all paths to parenthood, including private adoption, public adoption, surrogacy, and insemination.
“Many intended parents would benefit from talking through some big issues. Would you?”